正直すぎてごめんなさい、広島から福岡に行くために寄りました☆ / Sorry I might be too honest, but I just stopped by on the way to Fukuoka from Hiroshima
Place:uzuhouse ( hostel )
—How many times have you been to Japan?
Second time. I came to Japan with a working holiday visa this time.
—How long have you been in Japan?
Since last July. I have to leave Japan in a week. I want to stay more!
—How many times have you visited the Kanmon area?
First time. By bullet trains from Hiroshima.
—Why did you want to come to the Kanmon area?
Seemed like Fukuoka was very far from Hiroshima and I wanted to stop by somewhere. It’s a bit embarrassing reason, sorry.
—どんな理由でも来てくれてうれしいですよ。笑 関門エリアの観光について何か調べたりしましたか?
—We’re very glad to have you here no matter what the reason is. haha Have you done with any researches for sightseeing in Kanmon area?
I googled and also used Taiwanese website, “樂吃購!日本” which covers everything about traveling in Japan.
—Alright, then is there anything you actually ate or want to eat in this panel?
I’ve just arrive in Shimonoseki, but Baked Curry looks good. I might skip Fugu because it’s expensive, but actually I’d like to try some. I’ve seen Kawara-soba on Japanese TV program.
—Are there any places you want to visit in this panel?
I know Kanmon Pedestrian Tunnel. We have a similar tunnel in Taiwan. I’d like to go to Karato Fish Market and Mojiko-Retro.
—You said you’ve been in Japan for almost 1 year, but do you have anythings that you felt satisfied or dissatisfied with?
Everything was good. I like Kiyosato in Yamanashi so much. Kyoto was a very busy place and I couldn’t enjoyed very much. I think I prefer countrysides. I’m looking forward to explore Kanmon area tomorrow!
—By the way, where did you work?
Gero Hot Springs, in Gifu.
—Cool! Then you could take a hot spring as much as you could, right?
温泉は恥ずかしいから一回も入ってません!笑 ほかにも10人くらい台湾の子が働いていたけど、誰も入ってないですよ。笑
I’ve never tried because I’m not used to be naked in hot springs. I’m embarrassed! haha There were about 10 Taiwanese coworkers, but nobody tried. haha
—Seriously?! You don’t know what you’re missing! haha
Don’t care. I’m too embarrassed to be naked! haha
—翌日、無事関門エリアを満喫できた様子のWAN CHUNちゃん。でも焼きカレーはお腹いっぱいで食べれなかったそう。笑 またゆっくり遊びに来てね!ありがとうございました。
—Next day she seemed to enjoy exploring Kanmon area, but she said she couldn’t have Baked Curry because she had too much breakfast. Please come back and try it later! Thank you for talking with me, Wan Chun!