北九州に住む友達に会いに来た、京都訛りが可愛い女子! / A girl with cute Kyoto accent came to meet a friend living in Kitakyushu.
Name:Ms Sugimoto
Nationalty:Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
Place:Mojiko kaikyo plaza
—How many times have you visited the Kanmon area?
It’s the first time.
—Why did you want to come to the Kanmon area? And what did you refer to for sightseeing?
Since my friend lives in Kitakyushu, I came to see her. I enjoyed the stall stands of Hakata with my friends yesterday. I don’t have researched because I move around with my friend’s guide.
—Is there anything you actually ate or want to eat in this panel?
I am going to eat Kawara soba at lunch from now. I heard that Baked curry or Kawara soba are recommended in this area, and chose a favorite soba.
—Are there any places you actually went or want to visit in this panel?
I would like to go to Karato fish Market. I just came here, so I will try and go around slowly from now on.
—Are there any points that you felt satisfied, or dissatisfied while traveling this area?
The atmosphere of this city is cute. Mojiko station was also cute and took many pictures. I think that it is a cute city.
—ほんのりと京都訛りが可愛いかったです。瓦そばはいかがでしたか?また遊びにいらして下さいね♪ ご協力ありがとうございました。
—A slightly Kyoto accent was cute. How was Kawara soba? Please come and visit again ♪ Thank you for your cooperation.