大分県から車で旅行をするなら、遠からず、近すぎず。下関くらいの距離がちょうどいい! / If we travel by car from Oita Prefecture, it is not too far, not too close. It is just right distance to Shimonoseki!
Nationalty:Oita Prefecture, Japan
Place:Karato Kamonwharf
—How many times have you visited the Kanmon area?
It is our second time.
—Please tell me how to access here.
We came by a private car. It was about 2 hours from Oita, just a good distance! Actually, we wanted to go to Kagoshima under the influence of ‘Segodon (long-running TV series)’
—Oh really! But why this time in Kanmon area?
My wife was saying she wants to go here since a while ago.
(奥様)子供達に角島のドライブをおすすめされたの。 すっごくきれいだよって言われて、ネットで調べたら行きたくなって。
(Wife) I recommended our children to drive for Tsunoshima. I was told that it was so beautiful, then I check it out on the internet, so I want to go.
—What? Is your child so big?
(Wife) They are adult 🙂
—Wow! I was surprised by very beautiful and young wife.
—What did you refer to for sightseeing?
It is mobile phone. My wife looked up too. (Wife) I also check Instagram and Facebook!
—That’s great!! young!
—Is there anything you actually ate or want to eat in this panel?
We have eaten fugu. We are going to have lunch at Karato fish market, but we are in trouble because it was closed. Is there a good restaurant somewhere?
—If you are heading towards Tsunoshima from now, I recommend Kawara-soba! The shop’s name ‘Takase’ in Kawatana, you can eat delicious Kawara-soba.
Maybe I will go to Kawatana.
—I think that you can go by car from here about 40 minutes.
—Are there any places you actually went or want to visit in this panel?
Because we have finished watching this neighborhood, we will go to Tsunoshima from now.
—Are there any points that you felt satisfied, or dissatisfied while traveling this area?
We do not have any particular complaints, but I felt a little difficult to understand the way to go from highway to here. We did not know that the Karato fish market is closed on Wednesday, it’s sad.!
—Shimonoseki is surrounded by the sea and there are many spots with wonderful scenery. Next time, please come and visit Karato market on weekends! Thank you for answering our interview.