山口市からでも門司港に1泊で来ちゃいました! / We came to Mojiko from Yamaguchi City for one night!
Name:Kanzaki(1 other)
Nationalty:Yamaguchi city, Yamaguchi prefecture, Japan
Place:Mojiko kaikyo-plaza
—How many times have you visited the Kanmon area?
It is our second times. We came here by car.
—Why did you want to come to the Kanmon area? And what did you refer to for sightseeing?
We loved the atmosphere when we came before, so we came again for sightseeing this time. I didn’t check anything particular on the internet or guidebook before we came here.
—Is there anything you actually ate or want to eat in this panel?
We’ve eaten oysters, baked-curry, blowfish Sashimi and Kawara-soba(buckwheat noodle) before. We’ve also eaten chanra before, but not in Mojiko area. We didn’t know Tonchan Nabe(Japanese hotpot). Croquette and ice cream were delicious 🙂
—Are there any places you actually went or want to visit in this panel?
We’ve been to Ganryu-jima Island before. We thought we wanted to go to Akamajinguu, so we might stop by Shimonoseki later. We are also interested in Kaikyokan.
—Are there any points that you felt satisfied, or dissatisfied while traveling this area?
It was very unfortunate that most of the shops were closed, so there were no shops where we could drink. The streetscape in Mojiko Retro District were beautiful, we loved it.
—They came here for sightseeing from Yamaguchi which is not far from here, but we’re glad to hear that they can relax and enjoy their trip. Thank you for your cooperation!