下関の海響館も門司港のレトロな町並みもステキでした! / The Kaikyokan in Shimonoseki and Mojiko Retro Street were also lovely!
Name:Mr. Yamada(1 other)
Nationalty:Oita Prefecture, Japan
Place:Mojiko kaikyo plaza
—How many times have you visited the Kanmon area?
It is my third time. I have been here at work.
—Why did you want to come to the Kanmon area? And what did you refer to for sightseeing?
Because we went to Shimonoseki, I came to Mojiko on the way back to Oita. we searched for the hashtag of Instagram.
—Is there anything you actually ate or want to eat in this panel?
Today we ate blowfish at the Karato fish market in Shimonoseki. We have eaten Kawara-Soba before. We are interested in Chanra.
—Are there any places you actually went or want to visit in this panel?
We went to Kaikyokan. We watched Akama-Shrine when I went through by car earlier. We think that I should have gone. We went to Kanmon Tunnel before.
—Are there any points that you felt satisfied, or dissatisfied while traveling this area?
The Kaikyokan was really good. We were very satisfied because atmosphere of Mojiko Retro was fashionable and instagrammable. There is no point which was disappointing.
—It was such a lovely couple with smile and that looks great on you! Did you have a good trip? Please come and visit again ♫